
Friday, 16 September 2016

The bee visit

The bee visit
WALT:Write a recount using appropriate vocabulary

Today people visited room 1 and 2 To talk about bees. A group of beehives is called an apiary. Also it is bee aware month which i didn't even know existed. Bee Aware month is about beeing carefull for bees.

Dan let us look at the honey and the cells that the bee’s create. And he let us eat some of the honey to it is really nice.

Kathy showed us live bee’s leshidus found the queen bee.

The live bees were in a glass box there was about a thousand of them.


  1. Very good recount, Piripi. I didn't know it was Bee Aware Month either. I hope you enjoyed the bee man visit. Well done for remembering to use some of the new vocabulary you learned.

  2. Kia Ora Piripi, Ko Harmony ahau i Tautoro Kura.

    Awesome Recount Piripi, I didn't know about the Bee Aware mouth either, I hope you learnt a lot from your bee visit and you had fun, awesome vocabulary in your writing you have used, the things that can help you be even better are explaining how you felt or how your class felt, you can put in some of the questions you would of asked, you can even put in some dialogue in your recount writing.You can improve on your writing by using dialogue, more information and figurative language if you can. Ka Pai to mahi.

    Your Sincerely Harmony

  3. Awesome korerotia Piripi, kahore ahau i mohio e pā ana ki Bee te mangai mohio rānei, tumanako ahau ako koe he rota i tou pi toronga, a kua ngahau, kupu whakamataku i roto i to koutou tuhituhi i whakamahia e koe koe, nga mea e nehenehe e tauturu koe pai noa e whakamārama pehea koe ongo'i ranei pehea ua koutou piha, ka taea e hoatu e koe ki roto ki etahi o nga mau uiraa e o koutou ui, ka taea e ara hoatu e koe i roto i te tahi mau kōrero i roto i to koutou taki e taea writing.You whakapai ake i runga i tou tuhituhi mā te whakamahi i kōrero, ētahi atu pārongo me te whakarite ki te taea e koe. Ka Pai ki ngä mahi.

    Koutou Faka'apa'apa Harmony
